
Archive for July, 2010

Gordon Dickson also known as Mr Giggles and Pirate Pete once again wins at the Scottish Open.  Over the years Gordon has been entertaining top golfers children and wife’s at the prestigious Scottish Open Golf Tournament at Loch Lomond and his shows always win a standing ovation 

Golf can be a very stressful game especially if one putt separates you from the top price so it is great, says Gordon, to help competitors relax by knowing that their families are enjoying themselves.  

Over the years Gordon has become a familiar face at the event which is quite surprising as he doesn’t even play golf.  Not knowing anything about golf can be an advantage says Gordon.  While it is true that I am mixing with famous celebrities from all over the world of golfing to me they are just the simply the parents of my audience.  

Each golf venue becomes a small village with the top golfers going from one tournament to the next on the circuit.  Being away from home for long periods at a time means that whole families travel with dad as he goes about his work.  

I like seeing the same children year after year and to see how they have grown but it is not all plain sailing.  With children from various countries including Spain, France, Denmark not all the children speak English so I have to adapt my show to ensure that everything is very visual as well as fun.  Understanding the Americans and Australians can be fun too says Gordon tongue firmly in his cheek. 

The organisers first hired me when they found my web site www.MrGiggles.co.uk and liked the reviews they read.  With so much security surrounding the event having the right credentials and certification disclosures are very important.  At the end of the day everyone including famous golfers wants their children to have the best childhood memories possible within a safe environment.

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